RS3 Planning Collaborative, LLC

What We Do

Contracted Professional Staffing
A number of local governments around the State have had to do more with less. That includes less staffing due to personnel downsizing. RS3 offers flexible government staffing to community development, zoning, and planning departments. Communities have access to qualified professionals while saving money.

Community Engagement/Visioning 
RS3 Planning Collaborative is a strong proponent of public participation and community visioning. It sets the tone and is the linchpin for projects. Success hinges on the inclusion of diverse stakeholders. That inclusion ignites a community’s energy and buy-in.

Grant writing and grant management

Planning Studies





Land Use/Zoning

NEPA Environmental Assessments/Reviews

Conceptual Designs

Zoning/Development Presentations

Public involvement and perception are important when working with jurisdictions. RS3 will serve as a liaison between the client and the jurisdiction and the community to navigate through the zoning process.

- Manage Rezoning, and Special Permitting and Variance Processes

- Assist with Preliminary Site Plans

- Meet with Appropriate Elected and Boards and Commissions.

- Work with Planning Staff

- Plan & Coordinate Public Meetings

RFP/RFQ Design

Neighborhood/Civic Group Capacity Building

Neighborhood and civic groups are an integral part of a community. Their grass-roots efforts help mobilize residents and bring about change. The firm works with existing and emerging groups with:

- Bylaw Development

- Organization Planning

- How to Toolkit for building local and government partnerships

- Advocacy

- Viable Options to Neighborhood Revitalization

Comprehensive Plans
The Comprehensive Plan is a community’s compass for its chartered course. Comprehensive Planning expresses a long-range vision with short and intermediate plans. More importantly, it provides the basis for policy and budget decisions.

Planning Orientation Training/Continuing Education
Six (6) hours of training is required for all SC planning staff and boards per SC Code § 6-29-1310. Three hours (3) of continuing education are required each year. RS3 will work with staff and board members’ schedules.

Technical Assistance 
We take pride in working cooperatively with our clients. Assistance includes:

- Ordinance Development

- Plat/Subdivision Review

- Plan & Coordinate Public Meetings

- Planning Boards TA

- Other Assistance

GIS Mapping Services

Consolidated Planning